Saturday, October 5, 2024

Introduction and story index

Welcome to the Chrononauts blogspot page, where we'll be posting obscure science fiction works in the public domain that either have not been digitized in plaintext, or have not been translated into English. It should be noted that all translations are amateur fan translations and should not meant to be taken as definitive, but we hope we can at least produce something readable that resembles the spirit of the original. 

We will also be posting transcriptions of our episodes here.

Discussions of these works can be found on our podcast - works that have not yet been discussed that are posted here will be discussed some point in the future.

We welcome feedback, comments, corrections, etc. You can contact us at


Russian Empire/Soviet Union:

Latin America:
Previously undigitized texts:
Bibliography and other features
Episode transcriptions and links to online stories

Below is a list of stories we've covered in podcast order. Transcripts will be posted when available and links to the stories, when available online, will be posted. We'll be posting links to stories from upcoming episodes when we announce them so you can read them before we discuss them. While we'll be transcribing future episodes going forward, we're pausing on regular transcribing the backlog of earlier episodes for now, but will be happy to generate one on request, so if there is any episode you are particularly interested in seeing a transcription of, please email us. These were edited from the OpenAI transcription software, Whisper, so some of these may contain transcription errors that we missed during the editing process. 

If you would like to see an index of stories we've covered by author last name, scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Regular content episodes:
Bonus episodes:

Index of stories covered, by author last name:
  1. Abbott Edwin Abbott - "Flatland" (1884): 19
  2. Adolph, Anna - "Arqtiq: A Story of the Marvels at the North Pole" (1899): 22
  3. Aligheri, Dante - "Divine Comedy" (1308-20): 1 
  4. Andersen, Hans Christian - "In a Thousand Years" (1852): 16
  5. Anderson, Poul - "The Man Who Came Early" (1956): 34
  6. Anonymous - "Arabian Nights" (800-1300):1
  7. Anonymous - "Urashima Tarō" (8th - 15th c folklore): 6
  8. Anonymous/authorship disputed - "Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery" (1820): 8
  9. Arelsky, Graal - "Tales of Mars" (1925): 37
  10. Asimov, Isaac - "Trends" (1939): 40
  11. Bacon, Francis - "New Atlantis" (1628): 1
  12. Balzac, Honoré de - "Gambara" (1837): 4
  13. Balzac, Honoré de - "Ursule Mirouët" (1841): 11
  14. Barnard, Charles - "Kate - An Electro-mechanical Romance" (1877): 20
  15. Barkova, Anna - "A Steel Husband" (1926): 43
  16. Bates, Harry - "Alas, All Thinking!" (1935): 38
  17. Bellamy, Elizabeth W. - "Ely's Automatic Housemaid" (1899): 35
  18. Belyaev, Alexander - "Professor Dowell's Head" (1925): 29
  19. Bergerac, Cyrano de - "Comical History of the States and Empires of the Moon" (1657): 1
  20. Bergerac, Cyrano de - "The States and Empires of the Sun" (1662): 1 
  21. Berman, Ruth - "Star Drek" (1968): 39
  22. Blackwood, Algernon - "The Pikestaffe Case" (1924): 27
  23. Blish, James - "Pursuit into Nowhere: Adopted from the Annals of Space Patrol" (1936): 39
  24. Bond, Nelson S. - "Lightship, Ho!" (1939): 40
  25. Bose, Jagadish Chandra - "Runaway Cyclone" (1896/1921): 15
  26. Brackett, Leigh - "No Man's Land in Space" (1941): 31
  27. Bulgakov, Mikhail - "A Dog's Heart" (1925): 28
  28. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward - "The Coming Race" (1871): 8
  29. Burroughs, Edgar Rice - "At the Earth's Core" (1912): 9
  30. Butler, Octavia E. - "Kindred" (1979): 32
  31. Butler, Samuel - "Erewhon" (1872): 35
  32. Campbell, John W. - "Who Goes There?" (1938): 38
  33. Cavendish, Margaret - "The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing-World" (1666): 10
  34. Čapek, Karel - "Rossum's Universal Robots" (1920): 36
  35. Chambers, Robert W. - "The Repairer of Reputations" (1895): 15
  36. Chesney, George Tomkyns - "The Battle of Dorking" (1871): 25
  37. Clarín - "Future Story" (1892): 15
  38. Clarín - "Goodbye, Lamb!" (1893): 20
  39. Corelli, Marie - "A Romance of Two Worlds" (1886): 12
  40. Cridge, Annie Denton - "Man's Rights; Or, How Would You Like It?" (1870): 10
  41. De Camp, L. Sprague - "Lest Darkness Fall" (1939): 34
  42. Defontenay, C.I. - "Star ou Psi de Cassiopée" (1854): 3
  43. Dodd, Anna Bowman - "The Republic of the Future: or, Socialism a Reality" (1887): 10
  44. Doyle, Arthur Conan - "The Parasite" (1894): 11
  45. Doyle, Arthur Conan - "The Captain of the Pole-Star" (1890): 22
  46. Doyle, Arthur Conan - "The Maracot Deep" (1928-29): 18
  47. Duane, Diane - "The Wounded Sky" (1983): 41
  48. Dyachkov, Semyon - "A Trip to the Moon in a Wonderful Machine With a Description of the Countries There, Customs and Various Rarities" (1844): 4
  49. Dyalhis, Nictzin - "The Sea-Witch" (1937): 24
  50. Dyalhis, Nictzin - "When the Green Star Waned" (1925): 15
  51. Ellis, Edward S. - "The Steam Man of the Prairies" (1868): 7
  52. Ellis, Sophie Wenzel - "Creatures of the Light" (1930): 38
  53. Epheyre, Charles - "Professor Bakermann's Microbe" (1890): 15
  54. Fabra, Nilo María - "Teitan the Proud - Tale of Things to Come" (1895): 15
  55. Farley, Ralph Milne - "The Rexmel" (1935): 39
  56. Forster, E.M. - "The Machine Stops" (1909): 36
  57. Forster, E.M. - "Little Imber" (1961): 44
  58. Fuller, Alice W. - "A Wife Manufactured to Order" (1895): 35
  59. Gallun, Raymond Z. - "Old Faithful" (1934): 38
  60. Garin-Mikhailovskii, Nikolai Georgievich - "The Genius" (1901): 19
  61. Gaspar y Rimbau, Enrique Lucio Eugenio - "El Anacronópete" (1887): 6
  62. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins - "Herland" (1915): 10
  63. Godwin, Francis - "The Man in the Moone" (1638): 1
  64. Gorriti, Juana Manuela - "He Who Listens May Hear — To His Regret: Confidence of a Confidence" (1865): 11
  65. Gorriti, Juana Manuela - "Herbs and Pins" (1876): 11
  66. Griffith, George - "The Angel of the Revolution" (1893): 17
  67. Griffith, Mary - "Three Hundred Years Hence" (1836): 10
  68. Grunert, Carl - "Mr. Vivacius Style" (1908): 29
  69. Grunert, Carl - "The Martian Spy" (1908): 26
  70. Hamm, George - Cluck Rogers in Astounding (1936): 39
  71. Hansen, Lucile Taylor - "The Undersea Tube" (1929): 31
  72. Harris, Clare Winger - "A Runaway World" (1926): 25
  73. Harris, Clare Winger - "The Fate of the Poseidonia" (1927): 26
  74. Hawthorne, Nathaniel - "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" (1837): 4
  75. Hawthorne, Nathaniel - "Rappacini's Daughter" (1844): 4
  76. Hering, Henry A. - "Silas P. Cornu's Dry Calculator" (1898): 19
  77. Hinton, Charles H. - "An Unfinished Communication" (1885): 27
  78. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Derelict" (1912): 23
  79. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Find" (1947): 30
  80. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Gateway of the Monster" (1910): 30
  81. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Haunted Jarvee" (1929): 30
  82. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Hog" (1947): 30
  83. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Horse of the Invisible" (1910): 30
  84. Hodgson, William Hope - "The House Among the Laurels" (1910): 30
  85. Hodgson, William Hope - "The House on the Borderland" (1908): 27
  86. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Searcher of the End House" (1910): 30
  87. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Thing Invisible" (1912): 30
  88. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Voice in the Night" (1907): 23
  89. Hodgson, William Hope - "The Whistling Room" (1910): 30
  90. Hoevenbergh, Henry Van - "Into the Jaws of Death, A Telegraph Operator's Story" (1877): 20
  91. Hoffmann, E.T.A - "The Automata" (1814): 7
  92. Hoffmann, E.T.A. - "The Sandman" (1816): 4
  93. Holberg, Ludvig - "Niels Klim's Journey Under the Ground" (1741): 8
  94. Holmberg, Eduardo Ladislao - "Horacio Kalibang or the Automata" (1879): 7
  95. Holmberg, Eduardo Ladislao - "The Marvelous Voyage of Mr. Nic-Nac" (1875-76): 12
  96. Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat - "Sultana's Dream" (1905): 10
  97. Irving, Minna - "The Moon Woman" (1929): 31
  98. James, Henry - "In the Cage" (1898): 20
  99. James, P.D. - "Children of Men" (1992): 44
  100. Jarry, Alfred - "Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician" (1898): 19
  101. Kardynalovska, Yelyzaveta - "Death of the Happy City" (1926): 43
  102. Keller, David, MD - "Unto us a Child is Born" (1933): 44
  103. Kepler, Johannes - "Somnium" (1608): 1 
  104. Kipling, Rudyard - "As Easy as A.B.C." (1912): 17
  105. Kipling, Rudyard - "Wireless" (1902): 20
  106. Kipling, Rudyard - "With the Night Mail" (1905): 17
  107. Kuppord, Skelton - "A Fortune From the Sky" (1903): 25
  108. Lang, Herrmann - "The Air Battle" (1859): 16
  109. Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley - "The Sirdar's Chess-Board" (1885): 19
  110. Leiber, Fritz - "The Big Time" (1958): 42 
  111. Leiber, Fritz - "No Great Magic" (1963): 42
  112. Leiber, Fritz - "The Oldest Soldier" (1960): 42
  113. Leiber, Fritz - "Knight to Move" (1965): 42
  114. Leiber, Fritz - "Damnation Morning" (1959): 42
  115. Leiber, Fritz - "Try and Change the Past" (1958): 42
  116. Leiber, Fritz - "A Deskful of Girls" (1958): 42
  117. Leinster, Murray - "Sidewise in Time" (1934): 38
  118. Lewis, C.S. - "Out of the Silent Planet" (1938): 14
  119. Lindsay, David - "A Voyage to Arcturus" (1920): 13
  120. Locke, Richard - "The Great Moon Hoax" (1835): 5
  121. Long, Amelia Reynolds - "When the Half Gods Go" (1939): 40
  122. Long, Frank Belknap - "The Hounds of Tindalos" (1929): 24
  123. Lovecraft, H.P. - "Dagon" (1917): 24
  124. Lovecraft, H.P. - "Herbert West - Reanimator" (1922): 29
  125. Lucian - "A True Story" (~150): 1
  126. Lugones, Leopoldo - "An Inexplicable Phenomenon" (1906): 12
  127. Lugones, Leopoldo - "The Omega Force" (1906): 25
  128. Lugones, Leopoldo - "The Psychon" (1906): 12
  129. MacInnes, Helen - "Above Suspicion" (1941): 26
  130. Martinson, Harry - "Aniara" (1956): 37
  131. McLandburgh, Florence - "The Automaton Ear" (1876): 7
  132. Meade, L. T. and Eustace, Robert - "Where the Air Quivered" (1898): 15
  133. Meek, Captain S. P. - "The Cave of Horror" (1930): 38
  134. Merrill, Judith - "That Only a Mother" (1948): 44
  135. Mitchell, Edward Page - "Old Squids and Little Speller" (1885): 28
  136. Mitchell, Edward Page - "The Ablest Man in the World" (1879): 36
  137. Mitchell, Edward Page - "The Clock that Went Backward" (1881): 6
  138. Mitchell, Edward Page - "The Inside of the Earth: A Big Hole through the Planet from Pole to Pole" (1876): 9
  139. Mitchell, Edward Page - "The Man Without a Body" (1877): 45
  140. Mitchell, Edward Page - "The Tachypomp" (1873): 19
  141. Moore, C. L. and Henry Kuttner - "Vintage Season" (1946): 34
  142. Moore, C. L. - "Greater Than Gods" (1939): 40
  143. Morrison, Arthur - "The Case of the Dixon Torpedo" (1894): 26
  144. Morrow, W.C. - "The Monster Maker" (1887): 45
  145. Mortimore, Jim - "The Eye of Heaven" (1998): 41
  146. Moskowitz, Sam - "Why Doesn't Our Ship Move" (1937): 39
  147. Nervo, Amado - "The Soul Giver" (1899): 28
  148. Nichols, Joel Martin, Jr. - "The Devil-Ray" (1926): 25
  149. O'Brien, Fitz-James - "The Wondersmith" (1859): 36
  150. O'Brien, Fitz-James - "The Diamond Lens" (1858): 4
  151. Odoevsky, Vladimir - "The Year 4338: The Petersburg Letters" (1835): 4
  152. Orlovsky, Vladimir - "Steckerite" (1929): 43
  153. Peake, Richard Brinsley - "Presumption; or, the Fate of Frankenstein" (1823): 2 
  154. Penrose, Margaret - "The Radio Girls of Roselawn; or, A Strange Message from the Air" (1922): 20
  155. Pestriniero, Renato - "A Night of 21 Hours" (1960): 37
  156. Poe, Edgar Allan - "Mesmeric Revelation" (1844): 11
  157. Poe, Edgar Allan - "Tale of the Ragged Mountains" (1844): 11
  158. Poe, Edgar Allan - "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" (1845): 11
  159. Poe, Edgar Allan - "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" (1838): 22
  160. Poe, Edgar Allan - "The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall" (1835): 5
  161. Pope, Ralph - "$1,000 Reward — My Foot Race with a Telegram" (1877): 20
  162. Ray, Jean - "The Mainz Psalter" (1930): 24
  163. Reade, Philip - "Tom Edison, jr.'s Electric Sea Spider; or, the Wizard of the Submarine World" (1892): 21
  164. Rocklynne, Ross - "The Moth" (1939): 40
  165. Rosny, J.-H. - "Tornadres" (1888): 15
  166. Ross, Ronald - "The Vivisector Vivisected" (1882): 45
  167. Schachner, Nat - "City of the Cosmic Rays" (1939): 40
  168. Scheerbart, Paul - "Malvu the Helmsman: A Story of Vesta" (1912): 27
  169. Schuyler, George - "The Beast of Bradhurst Avenue" (1934): 28
  170. Senarens, Luis - "Frank Reade Jr., and His New Steam Man, or the Young Inventor's Trip to the Far West" (1892?): 21
  171. Serviss, Garrett - "Edison's Conquest of Mars" (1898): 21
  172. Shelley, Mary - "Frankenstein" (1818): 2
  173. Shelley, Mary - "The Last Man" (1826): 2
  174. Shelley, Percy - "The Magnetic Lady to Her Patient" (1822): 11
  175. Shunrō, Oshikawa - "The Undersea Warship" (1900): 18
  176. Sigov, Dmitry - "Journey to the Sun and the Planet Mercury and All the Visible and Invisible Worlds" (1832): 4
  177. Sigov, Dmitry - "The Talk of Moscow Citizens about the Comet of 1832" (1832): 4
  178. Smith, Clark Ashton - "The Primal City" (1934): 39
  179. Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott - "The Ray of Displacement" (1903): 15
  180. Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott - "The Moonstone Mass" (1868): 22
  181. Stapledon, Olaf - "Sirius" (1944): 29
  182. Stevens, Francis - "Claimed!" (1920): 24
  183. Stone, Leslie F. - "Out of the Void" (1929): 31
  184. Strobl, Karl Hans - "The Triumph of Mechanics" (1907): 35
  185. Sturgeon, Theodore - "Ether Breather" (1939): 20
  186. Toombs, Robert - "Electric Bob's Big Black Ostrich; or, Lost on the Desert" (1893): 21
  187. Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin - "On the Moon" (1893): 5
  188. Twain, Mark - "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" (1889): 33
  189. Two Women of the West - "Unveiling a Parallel: A Romance" (1893): 10
  190. Unamuno, Miguel de - "Mechanopolis" (1913): 15
  191. van Vogt, A. E.  - "Black Destroyer" (1939): 40
  192. Verne, Jules - "Around the Moon" (1869): 5
  193. Verne, Jules - "From the Earth to the Moon" (1865): 5
  194. Verne, Jules - "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864): 9
  195. Verne, Jules - "The Sphinx of the Ice Realm" (1897): 22
  196. Verne, Jules - "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas: A World Tour Underwater" (1869-70): 18
  197. Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Jean-Marie-Mathias-Philippe-Auguste, comte de - "Tomorrow's Eve" (1886): 7
  198. Visiak, E.H. - "Medusa" (1929): 23
  199. Vladko, Volodymyr - "The Defeat of Jonathan Govers" (1929): 36
  200. Volkov, Alexey Matveyevich  - "Aliens" (1928): 43
  201. Voltaire - "Micromegas" (1752): 1
  202. Webb, Jane - "The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century" (1827): 3
  203. Wells, H.G. - "The Chronic Argonauts" (1888): 6
  204. Wells, H.G. - "The First Men in the Moon" (1901): 5
  205. Wells, H.G. - "The Island of Doctor Moreau" (1896): 45
  206. Wells, H.G. - "The New Accelerator" (1901): 31
  207. Wells, H.G. - "The Time Machine" (1895): 6
  208. Wells, H.G. - "The War in the Air" (1908): 16
  209. Wells, H.G. - "Under the Knife" (1896): 45
  210. Whelpley, James Davenport - "The Atoms of Chladni" (1860): 4
  211. Wilkins, Mary E. - "An Old Arithmetician" (1885): 19
  212. Williamson, Jack - "The Prince of Space" (1931): 31
  213. Zuev-Ordynets, Mikhail - "The Lord of Sound" (1926): 43

Introduction and story index

Welcome to the Chrononauts blogspot page, where we'll be posting obscure science fiction works in the public domain that either have not...